I pray that your New Year is filled with health, happiness, and abundant blessings. Do you make resolutions? We all come to a time when we have to face reality and decide whether we are going to cross the bridge or stand still. That's what resolutions are about, honesty with self.

I do have a few resolutions, usually involving exercise, better self-dicipline, some personal goals I dream of accomplishing. I don't write anything down though - I wouldn't want to be
forced to actually do them - but I do have a mental wish list for myself and my family. The good news is that our Lord offers each of us a new start (a New Year) with each sunrise. His mercy allows for our human nature of feet-draging and avoidance as we move forward, daily, in His grace.
If your family is like ours, your New Year Resolutions include one or two related to improving your fiscal status - things like saving more, eating out less, only buying what is needed and then on sale. Well, I can't help you too much with a couple of those, especially when Dillard's challenges me right off the bat with their "extra 50% off sale" each New Year's Day!
But I might be able to help you with eating at home and a recipe for supper using items probably in your pantry already. Many times we find ourselves eating late or trying to figure out the age old answer to the question "what's for dinner" once everyone is already starving.
This recipe is for Green Chilies Corn Chowder (my version) and takes a bit longer than it takes you to open the cans!

Start with finding 2 cans of cream corn, a large can of chicken, and a couple cans of Hatch green chilies (if you didn't buy a case and prepare them last year) in your pantry. Then go to the fridge and get out the carton of heavy whipping cream (1/2 pint).

Open the cans and pour the contents of all into a soup pot, along with the cream. Add salt and pepper to taste. Heat on medium low, stirring occasionally. Serve with fresh fruit or a salad. Enjoy!
You can alter the chowder to your family's taste by: adding additional chicken, using leftover chicken or turkey (you may want to add a bit of stock, too), altering the amount of cream or using milk instead. If you prefer more texture to your soup, add a can of corn kernals with broth instead of one can cream corn. Use prepared, frozen chilies instead of canned or a can of Ro'tel if you like.