Monday, February 3, 2014

Secret Slippers

At 1:19 pm on August 15, 2014, my dear friend passed away. Please join me in praying for Dick, her family and friends. 

I have a dear friend who is in a mighty battle.  Just before the holidays, Ethel was diagnosed with Leukemia.  Currently, she is in the midst of a month-long hospital stay as she receives treatments.  As expected, but certainly not desired, she is drained of energy and dealing with unpleasant side-effects.  I traveled to visit my sweet friend recently, spent time with her at the hospital and tried to bring her some cheer.

Ethel and I met through knitting and I wanted to knit something special for her, a little bit of a pick-me-up in the midst of this trying time.  I found this darling pattern, Amy March's Slippers designed by Tiny Owl Knits.  The fiber is Cascade 128 Superwash.  I made a few adaptions to allow for a little size adjusting by way of the ribbon which runs around the slipper.  This also allows for the ribbons to be removed if the wearer needs to give them a quick wash.  While I was knitting for Ethel, I decided to knit a pair for our mutual friend, and my hostess, Jean. I used the same yarn but different colorways in the ribbons for hers.

Ethel styling her new hat, a donation to the hospital for those undergoing chemotherapy.

Please join me in surrounding Ethel in prayer, creating a hedge of protection and healing for this lovely woman.  I pray that Malachi 4:2 will be fulfilled and health restored soon to my friend.  I love you, my sweet friend!

This photo is of Ethel and her husband, Dick, when they visited us in September and we got to ride the ferry over to Galveston for dinner.  Let's do it again, real soon!!!

But for you who respect my name, the sun of vindication will rise with healing wings, and you will skip about like calves released from the stall. Malachi 4:2


  1. Jill she had a beautiful smile......I am sure you will miss her.

  2. Prayers for all......Ethel was beautiful and heaven has a new angel now!


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