Shrove Tuesday is the last "free" day for many people as it relates to their diets. Also called Fat Tuesday, this is the day when we all feast, or pig out, or fill up on all which we love and usually deny ourselves once we enter the religious season of Lent. Pancakes are a traditional fare because they are filling, easily adapted to contain lots of "goodies" and are relatively inexpensive to prepare in large quantities.
What you need:
* 2 cups flour
* 1/2 teaspoon salt
* 3 teaspoons baking powder
* 2 teaspoons sugar
* 2 eggs
* 2 cups milk
* 3 Tablespoons oil
Lent is a season of 40 days, excluding Sundays which are treated as "little Easters" leading up to Easter Sunday. This is the season when many fast, or sacrificially give up something, in order to spend that time and money on strengthening their relationship with God. For some it is sweets, or one meal a day or meat on Fridays. Remember to consult your doctor if you make a serious effort at fasting in a way that changes your dietary requirements. I offered to give up exercise, but it was pointed out by my pastor/hubby that this would be neither sacrificial nor beneficial to deepening my Spiritual discipline.
Enjoy your meal as you eat, drink are make merry - for tomorrow we attempt the discipline of Lent.
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