Friday, November 8, 2013

Around the Yellow Beach House

Kelly and I have been greatly blessed this week with the rental of a member's beach house to use for our fall retreat.  It isn't far from the house but is a perfect get-away!  The beach house is comfortable and allows us to cook our own meals when we don't want to go out.  It is close enough to the Gulf that we can view the water from the deck and walk on the beach regularly.  It is a dream come true for me, as I love to hear the waves crashing - and I've been able to go to sleep and wake up to this music of my heart! I thought that I would share some photos with you. 

These were taken in the community around the Yellow House (as I now refer to it) and in the Galveston area, which is a short ferry boat ride away from this beach.  We've had some unusually high surf and large waves.  There have been a couple days with extreme winds which caused several fires in the area.  These only exemplify the awesome power of God, the creator, as we understand from the Bible that He has control over all. We see God's faithful majesty in each sunset and sunrise.

Please do not copy, print, share or distribute any of my photos without my permission as the photographer.  If you enjoy these photographs, please leave a comment on the blog and let me know.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Looks lovely. I'm sure you have enjoyed your week. Hard to beat those crashing waves lulling you to sleep, the wind blowing and that incredible smell. Thanks for sharing the pics.


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